Mary MacKillop Catholic College

Payment Confirmation

After confirming your payment please wait to be redirected to the Cowan and Lewis website to ensure that payment has been confirmed before logging off.

Delivery Information

Orders must be collected from uniform shop during shop hours

Orders must be placed before 12noon Tuesday for Wednesday pickup and 12noon Wednesday for Thursday pickup.

All orders placed after 12noon Wednesday will be completed the following week.

Please note orders placed during school holidays will not be fulfilled until the next uniform shop day.

Please note parcels are delivered by Australia post and can not be delivered door to door.

Parcels can take up to 7 days for delivery with Australia Post.


Pricelist: Exchange_Sheet.pdfMary-Mackillop-2024-25

Exchange Form:Exchange_Sheet.pdf Exchange_Sheet.pdf


Cowan and Lewis Pty Ltd

Phone: 02 9449 9777


Normal Opening Hours

Cowan & Lewis – Blacktown
156 Main St, Blacktown NSW
8am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday
Saturday 9am to 12noon.

Our holiday trading hours are as follows:

CLOSED: 27th JANUARY, 2025.

MONDAY – FRIDAY: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.

SATURDAYS IN JANUARY: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.

SUNDAYS IN JANUARY: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.

Delivery to the school every Tuesday and Thursday
Orders must be placed by 12noon Monday for the Tuesday delivery, and 12noon Wednesday for the Thursday delivery.

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